

10 Uppsatser om Tent isolatoin - Sida 1 av 1

Faderskapsanalys av tallfrö från Västerhus fröplantage : Skillnad i pollenkontaminering mellan öppen pollinering och pollinering inom ett avgränsat system

In this study, pollen contamination (measured by the number of seeds pollinated by pollen not belonging to any of the clones on the seed orchard) is compared between open pollination and isolated pollination environments in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard called Västerhus, located outside Önsköldsvik. In this seed orchard a tent experiment is taking place. Skogforsk has built six large tents covering 12-14 trees with each tent. Fertilization patterns were compared between one tree in a tent with a supplementation of pollen from five clones not represented in the tent and another tree of the same clone subject to open pollination outside the tents. By using DNA markers the paternity was determined for 48 seeds from each tree.

Faderskapsanalys av tallfrö från Västerhus fröplantage : Skillnaden i pollenkontaminering mellan öppen pollinering och pollinering inom ett avgränsat system

In this study, pollen contamination (measured by the number of seeds pollinated by pollen not belonging to any of the clones on the seed orchard) is compared between open pollination and isolated pollination environments in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed orchard called Västerhus, located outside Önsköldsvik. In this seed orchard a tent experiment is taking place. Skogforsk has built six large tents covering 12-14 trees with each tent. Fertilization patterns were compared between one tree in a tent with a supplementation of pollen from five clones not represented in the tent and another tree of the same clone subject to open pollination outside the tents. By using DNA markers the paternity was determined for 48 seeds from each tree.

Ett tält för sju dagar : Festivaltält i papper

SummaryAt the summer festivals and it?s campsites there are each year thousands of tents left behind. Last year, at the Peace and Love festival in Borlänge, 220 tons of garbage was left behind at the festival area, much of which is tents. 69% of festival goers have at some point left behind a tent on a festival campsite. Many of these tents is purchased very cheaply, for a single festival.

Effects of shade on milk production in Swedish dairy cows on pasture

Heat stress negatively influences the performance of dairy cattle such as lactation and reproduction. Heat stress can cause production losses as well as welfare problems. Years of research have shown that heat stress is a huge problem for dairy cattle in both the tropics and temperate zones but no such research have so far been done in northern European countries. It seems like shade is an important tool when improving pasture conditions and therefore deserves more attention. The aim with this study was to investigate whether there is a need of providing shade for grazing dairy cows during the summer in Sweden. Two groups of lactating Swedish Red dairy cows (n=15 per group) were kept on pasture.

The importance of shade for dairy cattle in Sweden.

Today, there are no regulations saying that cows must have access to some kind of shelter at pasture during the summer. In more tropical countries, it is well-known that dairy cows might suffer from heat stress when exposed to sun and high temperatures. The well-being of the cows is thereby reduced and the production may also decrease. In Sweden, no research has been done in the area and therefore it is now a clear need of improved knowledge.The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of shade for dairy cows in Sweden. The behaviour of 30 cows was examined to see any differences between cows with access to shade and cows without access to shade.

Begreppsförståelse - Förutsättningar för elever i matematiksvårigheter

Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och kartlägga pedagogers uppfattning och erfarenhet av vad som ger elever i matematiksvårigheter en ökad be-greppsförståelse och därmed bättre förutsättningar att lösa matematiska problem. Arbetet ger en översikt över tidigare forskning om begreppsförståelse. Med hjälp av enkätundersökning och intervjuer ville vi se vilka grundläggande förutsättningar och arbetssätt/strategier som gynnar begreppsförståelsen hos elever i matematiksvårigheter. Vi ville också se vilka hinder som peda-goger möter i arbetet med att utveckla begreppsförståelsen hos elever i ma-tematiksvårigheter. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten av våra undersökningar på att om re-surser prioriteras så att en elev i matematiksvårigheter får arbeta språkligt aktivt med varierat arbetssätt i en liten grupp under ledning av en kompe-tent pedagog/specialpedagog, har han/hon goda förutsättningar att nå en ökad begreppsförståelse..

Förskolans matsituation : Ett tillfälle för samspel och inflytande

Syftet med studien är att undersöka samspelet mellan de yngsta barnen och pedagogerna i matsitua-tionen på en förskola. Vilket inflytande barn ges är nära sammanlänkat med pedagogernas medve-tenhet om makten de har i rollen som vuxna. Frågeställningarna är:? Hur samspelar pedagogerna och barnen i matsituationer?? Vilket inflytande ger pedagogerna till barnen i matsituationer?För att få svar på våra frågeställningar har vi använt oss av videoobservationer. Observationerna har gjorts på en avdelning med nio tvååringar.

Scenografi till Batboy - the musical

This is the project of making a stage design for Batboy ? the musical, a cooporation with a network of musical artists. The aim of the project was to create a space on stage that strengthens and expands the experience of the story told, and find design solutions that give an extra dimension to the story. The prerequisites for my work were partly defined from the produc¬tion, as were my limitations. In the cast of ten artists some were to play more than one role, often one of the opposite sex.

Impact of veterinary assistance on the health of working horses in Nicaragua

Working horses in developing countries are mostly used for transportation. They are often owned by people with limited economical resources and lack of knowledge about how to take care of the horses and due to this the horses often suffer from problems such as dehydration, poor body condition, lesions and parasitic infections. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate if free veterinary care improved the health and hydration status of working horses in Nicaragua and it was performed as a part of a project called ?Free veterinary assistance for working horses and training of their owners as veterinary promoters in the Pacific coast of Nicaragua?. Five parameters were used to investigate whether free care improved the health of working horses in six towns along the Pacific Coast of Nicaragua.

Utbildningsnämndens arkiv : En del av det moderna samhället som har gått till historien

This essay is based on the work of arranging and making an inventory for an archive consisting of records from the Board of Education (Utbildningsnämnden) within the administration of the County Council in Uppsala, Sweden. This archive is kept at the County Councils Archives in Uppsala where I have done the work. I have documented the process and discussed the complex of problems relating to it. In this particular case the issue of limitation of the office of origin and the respect of the fonds, or the principle of provenance, have been of interest. This is due to the fact that the records had been rearranged and mixed with records with other origin related to the Board of Education.